The Mali Red Cross is a non-profit humanitarian organization, founded in 1965 and recognized as a public utility by the Government of the Republic of Mali in the same year. The National Society works under the direction of the Ministry of Public Health and is recognized as the only national auxiliary to the public authorities. It was admitted as a member of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) in 1969.
The Mali Red Cross implements humanitarian and development actions throughout the country, carried out in accordance with the seven Fundamental Principles of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. The National Society has representation in the 11 regional capitals, including Bamako, Gao, Kayes, Kidal, Koulikoro, Ménaka, Mopti, Ségou, Sikasso, Taoudéni and Timbuktu.
The Mali Red Cross strives to focus on people most in need, which includes vulnerable households, people affected by disasters and emergencies, and internally displaced people, migrants and refugees. It gives a particular focus to people with specific vulnerabilities, such as children and young people who are vulnerable or at risk, women and women’s groups, and people with disabilities. In 2022, the Mali Red Cross reached over 450,000 people with development programmes, and almost 22,000 with emergency response and recovery support. This includes over 11,000 people supported with cash transfers, 5,200 people supported for livelihoods, and 3,300 for shelter. Over 15,200 people were reached by health programs, 12,900 with mental health and psychosocial support, and 36,400 people covered by water, hygiene and sanitation programmes. People reached by the Mali Red Cross in 2022 include over 44,300 internally displaced persons, migrants and host communities.
The Mali Red Cross Strategic Plan 2021-2025 identifies six priority axes:
- Contribute to the improvement of communities’ health and nutritional status
- Accompany and support communities in all phases of disasters, from preparedness to recovery, and ensure communities are actors of their own resilience and actively participate in humanitarian actions.
- Ensure sustainable management of natural resources, the protection of the environment, and fight against the adverse effects of climate change on people
- Strengthen the protection of vulnerable people and promote better social cohesion
- Improve food security and nutritional status
- Strengthen the institutional and organizational capacities the National Society, including volunteerism, with a view to achieving its vision and meeting new challenges
The Mali Red Cross relies on its decentralized structure with operational regional committees and a network of qualified volunteers to assist communities, including those in difficult to access areas due to the conflict in Mali and logistical constraints. Security remains a challenge and the National Society is not immune to incidents. The Mali Red Cross places great emphasis on reinforcing the security and safety of its staff and volunteers for safe humanitarian access and safe interventions for the most vulnerable populations.