The projections and analysis in the 2013 Consolidated Appeal remain relevant, including the strategic objectives. The humanitarian community in Mali must act to:
Ensure an effective response to vulnerable people’s most critical needs across the country.
Adapt programs to meet changing needs in conflict-affected areas and establish operational approaches that minimize risk and respect humanitarian principles.
Based on these objectives, the top priorities are the following:
- Security and access
Immediately mobilize sufficient resources to strengthen operational security management, including bolstering DSS and emergency telecommunications, revising security contingency plans, reinforcing security coordination among all partners (NGOs, UN Agencies) and improving security training.
Strengthen mine action activities and adapt logistics strategies to current security constraints (including cross-border operations).
Reinforce civil-military coordination in Bamako and key areas outside the capital (like Mopti).
Strengthen dialogue with key stakeholders outside Bamako (local authorities, military officials, others).
- Humanitarian response
Strengthen protection capacities in all accessible areas, including prevention, monitoring, promotion of social cohesion, mine action, population movements, child protection and gender-based violence. Strengthen inter-cluster coordination on protection issues.
Conduct multi-sectoral assessments in conflict-affected areas and ensure these assessments are well-coordinated and serve to improve analysis and avoid duplications.
Increase emergency response capacity.
In conflict-affected areas, ensure that food security and nutrition programs are functioning and strengthen basic services, including health services. Equally, humanitarian assistance must conform to international humanitarian and human rights law.
Strengthen partnerships with local actors.
- Communications and advocacy
Develop an HCT communications strategy to publicize humanitarian needs in Mali and support advocacy and fundraising efforts. This strategy should be grounded in the responsibility of Malian authorities to meet their people‟s needs and effectively communicate the needs and challenges across the country, focusing especially on conflict-affected areas.
Develop and maintain HCT key messages.
Advocate the restoration of public administration and public services in urban centres in the north.
Advocate the safe re-opening of commercial routes to the north including for cross-border trade.