AMOUNT: EUR 170 024 365.84 2
The present Humanitarian Implementation Plan (HIP) was prepared on the basis of financing decision ECHO/WWD/BUD/2016/01000 (Worldwide Decision) and the related General Guidelines for Operational Priorities on Humanitarian Aid (Operational Priorities). The purpose of the HIP and its annex is to serve as a communication tool for ECHO's partners and to assist in the preparation of their proposals. The provisions of the Worldwide Decision and the General Conditions of the Agreement with the European Commission shall take precedence over the provisions in this document.
Fourth modification as of 05/08/2016
a) In all four countries affected by Boko Haram violence (Nigeria, Niger, Chad and Cameroon), an increased field presence and some recent improvements in access have enabled the assessment of needs of populations in areas previously not accessed by humanitarian assistance. These assessments have revealed additional emergency situations, prompting key partners to scale up their response to address the massive humanitarian needs of the affected populations.
In addition to the great number of IDPs and refugee populations (IDPs estimated to be 2.6 million in the region, refugees over 176 000) who are highly dependent on humanitarian assistance, the host and local communities are also increasingly affected, impacting their coping capacity. Staple food prices are reported to have increased by an alarming 30 to 50% in the region due to the disruption of regional trade exchanges.
Special assistance to these affected local communities is therefore also urgently needed.
The areas affected by the Boko Haram violence are part of the Sahel belt and suffer from recurrent droughts and long lean seasons. The massive recent displacements have compounded the structural food insecurity and chronical under-nutrition known in these areas, leading to over 6.7 million people requiring emergency food assistance in the four countries.
An amount of EUR 10.5 million is added to this HIP to reinforce the humanitarian response to the consequences of the Boko Haram crisis in Nigeria and Niger.
In the last few months, the humanitarian consequences of the conflict between national armed forces and Boko Haram have intensified in North-East Nigeria and its neighbouring countries around Lake Chad, notably in Niger, resulting in new displacements and the further deterioration of the situation of affected populations, as well as in increased protection needs. Additional needs include NFI, shelter, food, health and nutrition.