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Humanitarian Action for Children 2023 - Mali - Revision 1 (June 2023)



Mali is experiencing a multidimensional crisis that is driven by conflict, sociopolitical instability, climate change and the impact of the war in Ukraine. The number of people in need increased from 7.5 million in January 2022 to 8.8 million in January 2023, an increase of 17%, illustrating the worsening humanitarian needs. Grave violations of children’s rights continue, while displacement remains a major concern, with 375,539 people internally displaced.

UNICEF will implement an integrated, coordinated and gender-sensitive response that contributes to building peaceful and inclusive communities while strengthening the linkages between humanitarian action, development and peace. Interventions are designed to meet the needs of the most vulnerable children and communities.

In 2023, UNICEF is requesting US$119.04 million to reach 3.6 million people in Mali, including 3.1 million children, with critical humanitarian assistance. Sectors requiring the most funding are nutrition, child protection, education and water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH).


1.1 million children vaccinated against measles

206,700 children with severe wasting admitted for treatment

384,783 children/caregivers accessing communitybased mental health and psychosocial support

415,000 people accessing a sufficient quantity and quality of water