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Central and Northern Mali Emergency Response Situation Report | August, 2019



The crisis which began in 2012 in the northern regions of the country has increasingly shifted towards the central regions, notably Mopti and Segou. Frequency of terrorist threats has increased and exacerbated intercommunity conflict. The current number of incidents in Mopti region is higher than that of northern Mali. Since January 2018, there have been hundreds of incidents that include intercommunity conflict and use of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) by armed groups. This crisis has had a negative impact on the 2018-2019 agricultural season, as farmers are fearful of accessing their farms. This has exacerbated internal displacement of populations, who have moved towards more secure areas. To put an end to this crisis, the Government started a reconciliation process with different stakeholders.

Over 3.7 million people are affected or potentially affected by the emergency. As at 31 July 2019, the number of internally displaced persons in Mopti and Segou was 79,900. 57,994 of the affected were in the Mopti Region and 21,906 in Segou Region. (Source: National Office of Social Development)