Border communities at risk in the Sahel
In July, Danish Demining Group (DDG) presented the findings from its Border Security Needs Assessment (BSNA) to national border authorities from Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger. Based on the findings, DDG will implement programming that strengthens border security and management, and improves community safety in the Sahel’s Liptako-Gourma region.
In February 2014, Danish Demining Group (DDG) launched a Border Security and Management Programme in the Liptako-Gourma region, located in the border regions of Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso. The programme is funded by DANIDA (through its Sahel Programme) and the UK Conflict Pool. The purpose of DDG’s programme is to support the establishment of a comprehensive border management system, ensuring that borders are safe and open to trade and travel, and effectively controlled against violations and security risks.
“The BSNA shows that interviewees share common concerns and security risks in terms of poverty, increasing banditry, extremism, inter-community conflict (mainly due to limited access to natural resources), as well as the circulation of illegal goods in border areas. The study also highlights the high level of confidence in security forces as well as in traditional leaders, who play a major role in conflict resolution at community level,” Guillaume Dupire, DDG’s Programme Manager for the Sahel.
In May-June 2014, DDG carried out a border security needs assessment (BSNA) in border areas, and based on the findings DDG will develop a programme that strengthens border management and community safety in border areas. DDG will deliver training and develop mechanisms, in consultation with local stakeholders including local communities, to address the most critical challenges.
In May 2014, representatives from the national border authorities in Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger met in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. During this meeting DDG presented its Border Security and Management programme, and facilitated a discussion about security risks in border areas and potential solutions. As a follow up, DDG organised a meeting from 22-24 July in Niamey, Niger to present and validate the findings of the border security needs assessment that DDG carried out in the Liptako-Gourma border areas during May and June 2014. The meeting included representatives from the national border authorities from the three countries, as well as representatives from the police, gendarmerie, and customs authorities. Traditional chiefs as well as other NGOs also participated.
DDG carried out the BSNA at local, regional and national levels in Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger. DDG conducted almost 800 interviews with national and local authorities, security forces, community representatives and households to collect qualitative and quantitative data about security concerns and perceptions in the Liptako-Gourma region. DDG’s BSNA report provides in-depth analysis and recommendations corresponding to the needs and concerns of authorities, security forces, and communities living and working in these border areas.
In response to the BSNA findings, participants from Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso used the opportunity of their collective presence in Niamey to develop tentative community safety plans, which DDG will use to design its Border Security and Management programme.
The study calls for the strengthening of coordination mechanisms as well as communication channels between local authorities, security forces, and local communities in border areas. The study also recommends the additional support to security forces in terms of training, equipment and infrastructure.
The study is available at: