This report covers the period of 1 November 2006 to 30 April 2007, but reports cumulative totals from December 2004 onwards.
In a world of global challenges, continued poverty, inequity, and increasing vulnerability to disasters and disease, the International Federation with its global network, works to accomplish its Global Agenda, partnering with local community and civil society to prevent and alleviate human suffering from disasters, diseases and public health emergencies.
In brief
Executive Summary
The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies' tsunami recovery effort in the Maldives is extensive, covering all main sectors of recovery programming and stretches to all of the 20 atolls. There has been significant progress made in all recovery programme areas, including encouraging achievements in housing and community infrastructure construction, as well as community-based work in disaster management and psychosocial support. In addition, as the Maldives is one of the few countries in the world, without a National Society, special attention is being given to the creation of the Maldives Red Crescent Society.
In order to ensure programme quality, the International Federation has set strategic cross-cutting priorities across the different programme sectors. These priorities are outlined in the Tsunami Regional Strategy and Operational Framework 2 as well as in the Red Cross and Red Crescent Maldives country strategy. Examples of these priorities include community consultation and participation as well as sustainability. In addition, equity issues are addressed in order to avoid community tensions created by unequal recovery assistance. This means taking into account the people who were not directly affected by the tsunami such as host communities.
A particular focus of the Red Cross Red Crescent has been on risk reduction - on enhancing the resilience of communities against future disasters. Different forms of risk reduction have been integrated into Red Cross Red Crescent programmes. In practice, this translates into more hazard resistant housing, water supply systems that provide safe drinking water during dry seasons, as well as raising awareness in community-based risk identification and health awareness.
The tsunami recovery operation has seen good progress made during the last six months, though there remains much to be done. The next six months will see two National Societies complete their programmes and close their delegations in the Maldives. During the same period, some new large-scale construction projects will get underway now that contracts have been signed or are close to being finalized with contractors. Longer-term, community-based capacity building projects in disaster management, first aid and health awareness will continue to build community resilience, which, in the future, are also likely to become core activities of the Maldives National Society.
To achieve the afore-mentioned, strong coordination and collaboration with the government, the communities and other partners remains an ongoing priority. Challenges such as aligning the timings of different parts of community construction or avoiding community tensions need to be worked through continuously in cooperation with and through the commitment of all parties.
For further information specifically related to the tsunami operation, please contact:
In The Maldives:
- Jerry Talbot, Head of delegation, Phone: + 960 791 436; email:
In Geneva:
- Johan Schaar, Special Representative
for the tsunami operation; +41.22.730.4231, email:
- Suzana Harfield , South Asia desk (Sri Lanka and Maldives), Phone: +41.22.730.4353;
- Lesley Schaffer, Tsunami Grants Officer; email:
- Matthew Cochrane, media and public relations officer, phone: +41.22.730.4426;
Mobile: +41 79 308 9804; email:
In Kuala Lumpur, Asia Pacific Service Centre - phone: +60.3.2161.0892; fax: +60.3.2161.1210
- Igor Dmitryuk, Head of Regional Logistics
Unit, ext. 600; email:
- Umadevi Selvarajah, Head of Regional Finance Unit, ext. 140; email:;
Karl O' Flaherty, Tsunami Finance Analyst, ext. 617; email:
- Chee Keong Chew, Head of Regional Reporting Unit, ext. 300; email: