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Maldives Situation Report #45/2005

Effects of Tsunami on 26 December 2004

Period: 25th June -7th July 2005

Prepared by UN Country Team, Male', Maldives

The Recovery Framework

UN has developed a Strategic Frame work for Recovery document, which is presently being shared with the Government for their comments and feedback.

Lessons Learnt

Delegates have returned from Regional Lessons Learnt meeting in Medan. There has been a feedback session with the Minister of Defence, the Chief Co-ordinator for Recovery and now, a media package is being developed (via TV, newspapers and radio) to communicate lessons learnt to everyone.

Psycho- social

At a ceremony held on 3rd July 2005 the Government of Maldives and UNFPA signed Project on Response to the Psychosocial Impact of the Tsunami Disaster in the Maldives (MDVTR301). UNFPA conducted training of enumerators for the Tsunami Impact Assessment, particularly in relation to psychosocial and reproductive health. The data collection will begin on 10th July.

Health Sector

A specialist in Emergency Preparedness and Response has joined the WHO tsunami team for the next six months to support the Ministry of Health in development an emergency preparedness plan and capacity building within the overall plan for the Maldives.

The consultant in mental health in consultation with different stake holders in Ministry of Health, UNFPA and National Narcotic Control Bureau (NNCB) is conducting the training program for the nurses and community health workers in mental health. The three-day program will empower the health workers to identify common mental and psycho social disorders. Two regions have been covered and by Mid-August all country should be covered by a total of 9 training workshops.

Active disease surveillance is ongoing. The outbreak of mumps is continuing on a few islands. 624 cases were reported within the last two weeks, but no complications have been reported. The measles outbreak is declining.

A workshop was held to discuss the scope and progress of the 11th General Programme of Work for WHO. The workshop brought together key players from various sectors such as local health authorities, non-governmental organizations, UN agencies and the like.

There is a two week workshop held for Health and Nutrition workers from all atolls of the Maldives, empowering them to more strongly advocate for hygiene, immunization and nutrition.


Grant Agreement contracts for reconstruction have now been concluded with 20 Island Development Committees. These agreements totaling over $1.8 million cover the repair of 854 houses and the total reconstruction of 113 houses. Thirteen families on M.Muli, who had previously been housed with host families, have been prioritised for some of new buildings to be constructed and materials sent.


The remaining 542 rainwater harvesting tanks (5000 litre capacity) have been sent to the 12 IDP settlements on 6 different atolls.


The reconstruction of the damaged Eydhafushi Island harbour is now more than 70% complete. Contracts for the restoration of harbour facilities on the islands of M.Muli, M.Kolhufushi, M.Dhiggaru, T.Madifushi, L.Hinnavaru and L.Naifaru will open for bids from pre-qualified firms during the second week of July. Meanwhile, a tri-partite team from the UN, Ministry of Construction and Ministry of Atolls Development is conducting surveys for the rehabilitation of infrastructure on 6 islands.


After a re-assessment of schools, between UNICEF and UNOPS, it has been found that schools are less affected than originally thought

Disaster Management

On the basis of the Disaster Management Training Needs Assessment (TNA), a training programme on "Basic Concepts of Disaster Management" has been scheduled for 10 - 14 July 2005. A total of 26 participants, from different ministries and I/NGOs are expected to participate in this training.

Discussion and dialogue with various Government and Non Governmental actors on Disaster Management Policy and Institutional Framework is underway. In addition, the project is supporting the Ministry of Tourism to prepare the Tourism Sector Disaster management plan.


Micro-finance agreements for the restoration of livelihoods for tsunami affected persons have been signed with the Atoll Development Committees of Noonu and Shivayani Atolls. A joint UN, Gender Ministry agreement will be signed this week for a project designed to restore livelihoods for women. The project will provide for repair and replacement of income generating assets and equipment such as tools for sewing, home gardening, and handicrafts.

Aid Co-ordination

The long-term agreement for development of the Maldives specific Development Assistance Database (DAD) between UNDP and the contractor Synergy has been approved by UNDP headquarters to cover all the tsunami affected countries. Country-specific arrangements are now being finalized. Development Assistance Database (DAD) training sessions continue for key government agencies: Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Planning and Department of External Resources. Work continues for the validation of data collected so far, including those originating from the OCHA Financial Tracking System (FTS) and the National Recovery and Reconstruction Plan (NRRP) data in order to compile a comprehensive picture of the activities that are receiving funding and those that are part of the national priorities.


OCHA has been working alongside the government MIDP unit, as well as other stakeholders, to plan the expansion of its IDP training programme. The IFRC, Red Cross societies, selected line Ministries, and local NGOs have been consulted in the design of the programme, which will strengthen the management of IDPs in selected islands in Meemu, Thaa, Dhaalu, Laamu and Ghaafu Alifu. Consultation with IDPs and island administrations regarding the programme is ongoing.


Deputy Executive Director of Operations in UNICEF, Toshiyuki Niwa, visited the post tsunami affected countries, including the Maldives, to understand the unique challenges being faced with recovery and reconstruction. He was interested also in how to improve performance and also to ensure the proper and effective use of tsunami funds


United Nations Maldives Disaster Relief Taskforce:

Maldives National Disaster Management Centre:


Field office contact

Aishath Jeelaan, Communications Officer, UN Resident Coordinator System,
Tel: (960) 324501, mob: (960) 787 987; email: