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Appeal No. MAAMV001 Programme Update No. 2


In brief Programme outcome To support the development and delivery of relevant community-based programmes and services by the Maldivian Red Crescent (MRC). This aims to save lives, reduce and limit the most urgent underlying causes of vulnerability; promote healthy and safe living and mobilize volunteers to support capacity building and the fulfilment of its mandate.


MRC is now officially the 187 th National Society of the International Red Cross Red Crescent Movement and was recognised by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) on 9 November 2011. MRC became a full member of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) at the 18 th general assembly in Geneva on 23 November 2011. International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies 2 I MAAMV001 Mid-year report – July 2011 to December 2011

Appeal MAAMV001 Continuation of vulnerability capacity assessment (VCA) training of trainers followed by VCA in six communities (where MRC branches/units are established) also took place in October. The assessments focussed in obtaining a bigger picture of common vulnerabilities within the selected communities and how MRC could plan activities to address the issues.

Women empowerment training and youth empowerment activities were carried out to address and train volunteer issues related specifically to women (e.g. women in emergencies, facilitation skills and leadership etc) and youth (e.g. leadership skills, like skills, gender and equality etc) population. With the volunteers trained in these areas it is intended that youth and women related issues will be addressed through other MRC activities carried out within the communities.

Following the nationwide outbreak of dengue fever, MRC carried out a prevention campaign with the funding received from the IFRC’s disaster relief emergency fund (DREF) for a period of three months starting 1 July. Activities included distribution of information materials to all 190 communities in the Maldives raising awareness on prevention methods.

The focus of MRC activities was on dengue prevention and community sensitization to the maximum extent possible. These included community clean up campaigns, information/dissemination to focus groups (e.g. parents associations, schools, and women’s groups). MRC also participated in the preparation and dissemination of messages to be communicated via various media channels. A particular focus was on encouraging communities to carry out regular monitoring to prevent the development of potential mosquito breeding sites and for this to become more of a common practice. The intervention of MRC in such activities was a major learning experience for the existing and newly recruited volunteers and has/will position the National Society as an important community actor. The situation creates a major opportunity for MRC to continue with its nationwide branch establishment plan as well as increasing their visibility. This was the first DREF operation by MRC.