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WFP Malawi Country Brief, October 2024


In Numbers

8,245 mt of maize distributed (January to October 2024)

USD 1.8 million in cash-based transfers distributed (January to October 2024)

1,466,771 people assisted (January to October 2024)

USD 37.8 million six-month net funding requirements (November 2024 – April 2025) representing 39 percent of total requirements

Operational Updates

El Niño Response: As part of the national efforts to support the El Niño drought response and the United Nations Flash Appeal, WFP is working with the Government of Malawi to address food shortages. In October, WFP finalised cash distributions in Blantyre rural and will continue distributing food (maize, fortified cereals and school meals) for two months in targeted districts. So far, WFP has supported 716,000 beneficiaries with in-kind food and 208,000 with cash. Currently, WFP and partners are experiencing delays for food distributions due to nationwide fuel shortages and are working together to limit the impact on implementation as much as possible.

WFP aims to support over 2 million of the 5.7 million people facing acute food insecurity during the lean season (October 2024 to March 2025) in coordination with the government response. Despite resources mobilised by the Department of Disaster Management Affairs (DoDMA) and WFP, a food gap of around 140,000 mt remains between now and the harvest in 2025. WFP continues to advocate for resources.

Refugees: WFP continues to provide cash-based transfers to refugees and asylum seekers living in Dzaleka refugee camp. In September, WFP assisted over 50,000 refugees (60 percent female) at a 75 percent ration. WFP faces a funding gap to provide full rations and calls for support.

Nutrition: To mitigate the 82 percent rise in moderate acute malnutrition (MAM) in 2024, WFP is supporting the Ministry of Health by distributing treatment of moderate acute malnutrition to children under-5. As part of the El Niño emergency response, WFP, in close coordination with UNICEF, has distributed fortified corn soya blend (CSB++) to over 8,000 children in Blantyre, Chikwawa, Machinga and Nsanje. WFP aims to treat 88,400 children by mid-2025.

School Meals: As part of the El Niño emergency response, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, WFP will provide cash take-home rations to 90,000 learners and their families in 93 primary schools which are not benefiting from any school feeding programme in Chikwawa, Phalombe, Nsanje and Zomba. In Dedza, Kasungu, Mangochi, and Salima, over 250,000 learners in 200 schools will continue to receive a daily hot meal until December 2024. More funding is needed to reach the 700,000 children WFP aims to support.