In Numbers
12,900 MT of maize distributed for El Niño response
USD 1.8 million in cash-based transfers distributed for El Niño response
1.3 million people assisted for El Niño response
USD 34.2 million six-month net funding requirements (December 2024 – May 2025)
Operational Updates
El Niño Response: WFP is working with the Government of Malawi to address acute food shortages as part of the national efforts to support the El Niño drought response and the United Nations Flash Appeal. By the end of November, WFP provided food assistance to 1.3 million people, of whom 208,000 received cash-based transfers. In collaboration with the Government, WFP aims to assist 2 million of the 5.7 million people experiencing acute food insecurity during the lean season until March 2025; however, a gap of USD 34.2 million still remains to be able to provide this assistance.
Refugees: WFP is providing cash-based transfers to refugees and asylum seekers in Dzaleka Refugee Camp. In October, 53,000 refugees (60 percent women) received assistance equivalent to a ration of 75 percent of the food needed. A double distribution is underway for November and December. Current funding levels will allow WFP to maintain a 75 percent ration until March 2025 and additional resources are urgently needed to sustain this critical support beyond that period.
Nutrition: Moderate acute malnutrition (MAM) cases increased by 284 percent in October 2024 compared to the same period last year. While this surge is primarily linked to food insecurity caused by the El Niño-induced drought, more children have been identified through the mass screening that has been conducted at district level. In collaboration with Malawi’s Ministry of Health and as part of the El Niño emergency response, WFP is providing MAM treatment for children aged 6-59 months in four districts. Since September, over 16,000 children have received malnutrition treatment (fortified corn soya blend). Thanks to recent contributions, WFP plans to expand this support in 2025 to include pregnant and breastfeeding women as well as individuals with HIV and TB, expanding the provision of treatment to three additional districts.
School Meals: As part of the El Niño emergency response and thanks to recent contributions, WFP will extend its provision of emergency hot meals to over 256,000 students until March 2025. From January 2025, WFP will begin distributing takehome rations to approximately 90,000 learners. In total, 345,800 learners will benefit from temporary El Niño assistance. Under the Home-Grown School Feeding Programme, WFP provided school meals to 837,000 learners across 778 primary schools in term one. Furthermore, 15,448 learners benefited from the programme through early childhood development centres.
Livelihoods: The 2023/2024 insurance payout distribution was launched in Chikwawa, benefiting around 35,700 farmers. These farmers, who insured their crops against climate-related shocks, will receive a total payout of USD 1.2 million in claims across eight districts. In addition, assetcreation activities, including reforestation and tree seedling transplanting, were intensified under the Adaptation Fund programme, reaching 58,000 households and helping to address the significant challenge posed by deforestation in Malawi.