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WFP Malawi Country Brief, June 2024


In Numbers

5.7 million people acutely food insecure in Malawi between October 2024 and March 2025

USD 35.5 million six-month net funding requirements for (July – December 2024)

52,344 refugees assisted with cash transfers in June 2024

Operational Updates

El Niño Response: In June, WFP received contributions to kick-start the procurement of maize and corn soya blend (Super Cereal Plus) from the Southern African region. Additionally, WFP is expecting to receive 14,000 mt of maize from Ukraine in September 2024 under the “Grain from Ukraine” initiative. Refugees: WFP provides cash transfers to refugees in Dzaleka Refugee Camp to maintain food and nutrition security amongst targeted households. In June 2024, WFP provided cash transfers to 52,344 refugees and asylum seekers at 50 percent ration. With indications of new funding streams, WFP plans to increase the ration to 75 percent from August 2024.

School Feeding: WFP partners with targeted public schools in Malawi that contract farmer organizations to supply locally produced food under the home-grown school feeding model. In June, WFP conducted assessments to determine the capacity of farmer organisations, irrigation schemes and markets to meet the schools' demand for diversified food commodities amidst the decreased production due to El Niño’s impact. The results of the assessments will guide the adjustments of school meals menu and possible market interventions to sustain the programme.

Nutrition: In response to El Niño and the 40 percent increase in cases of moderate acute malnutrition (MAM) admissions among children under-5, WFP is supporting the Government to resume facility-based management of MAM through supplementary feeding programme (SFP) targeting 17,600 children under-5. Towards this, WFP procured 317 mt of Super Cereal Plus and trained SFP health service providers on SFP procedures in June in the targeted districts of Blantyre, Chikwawa, Machinga and Nsanje.

In June, WFP also supported the Government to conduct a food and nutrition security assessment for people living with HIV (PLHIV) and other chronic illnesses to generate evidence on the food and nutrition needs of PLHIV to inform advocacy, resource mobilization and nutrition programming for the group. Preliminary results of the exercise will be released by end of July 2024.

Livelihoods: WFP is promoting irrigation agriculture as a strategic response to enhance water management, food security and climate resilience amidst challenges posed by El Niño in Malawi. In June, WFP provided technical oversight monitoring in the design and construction of two river diversion gravity-fed irrigation schemes in Mulanje District. The construction work will be completed by July 2024.