In Numbers
5.7 million people acutely food insecure in Malawi between October 2024 and March 2025
USD 48 million six-month net funding requirements for August 2024 – January 2025 representing 28 percent of total.
45,843 refugees assisted with cash transfers in July 2024
Operational Updates
El Niño Response: In July, WFP started the procurement of maize and fortified corn soya cereal to provide an initial 1.5 million people with food assistance. WFP has procured 30,533 mt of maize and 317 mt of fortified corn soya cereal blend. WFP will provide food and cash-based transfers to acutely food-insecure households in the six districts of Balaka, Blantyre, Chikwawa, Machinga, Nsanje and Phalombe. WFP plans to start distributions from September.
Refugees: WFP provides cash transfers to refugees in Dzaleka Refugee Camp to maintain food and nutrition security amongst targeted households. In June 2024, WFP provided cash transfers to 45,843 refugees and asylum seekers at 50 percent of the ration. With the availability of new funding, WFP will increase the ration to 75 percent from August.
Nutrition: Impacts of El Niño, include a 40 percent increase in cases of moderate acute malnutrition and a 23 percent increase in severe acute malnutrition in children under-5. WFP is supporting the Government to resume facility-based management of MAM through a supplementary feeding programme (SFP) targeting 17,600 children under-5 in the four districts of Blantyre, Chikwawa, Machinga and Nsanje. Towards this, WFP procured 317 mt of fortified corn soya cereal blend and re-trained 392 SFP service providers from 98 health facilities on SFP procedures.
Livelihoods: WFP is promoting irrigation agriculture as a strategic response to enhance water management, food security and climate resilience amidst challenges posed by El Niño in Malawi. In July, WFP continued to provide technical oversight monitoring in the design and construction of two river diversion gravity-fed irrigation schemes in Mulanje District. The construction of one irrigation scheme is completed while the other scheme will be finished in August 2024.