In Numbers
4.4 million Malawians (22 percent of the population) acutely food insecure from October 2023 to March 2024
USD 22.1 million six-month (March – August 2024) net funding requirements
1.7 million Malawians to be assisted by WFP imports of maize flour for the Government’s lean season response
51,442 refugees and asylum-seekers received cash assistance in February 2024
El Niño-induced dry spells in February, severely damaged crops in Southern & Central regions.
Strategic Outcome 1
Lean Season Response: In response to the 2023/204 lean season, WFP handed over 23,000 mt of maize to the Government through the Ministry of Agriculture for distribution to 1.7 million people in 12 affected districts by the Department of Disaster Management Affairs. WFP also made cash-based transfers (CBTs) totalling USD 1.3 million to 68,500 people in Chikwawa covering three months (January to March 2024). WFP also made CBTs to 172,000 people in Phalombe District totalling USD 1.1 million.
Refugees: WFP CBTs reached 51,442 refugees and asylum seekers in February 2024 at 50 percent ration size. WFP Malawi faces a shortfall in funding for aiding refugees and asylum seekers. USD 4.3 million over the next six months (April to September 2024) is required to assist 53,000 refugees at a 100 percent ration.
Strategic Outcome 2
Nutrition: The Ministry of Health, UNICEF, the World Health Organization (WHO) and WFP reviewed the National Community Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM) guidelines to help develop: (i) new CMAM guidelines aligned with the latest evidence-based practices for preventing and managing malnutrition; (ii) training for health workers; (iii) community engagement strategies; (iv) resource mobilization; and (v) policy recommendations to support CMAM initiatives.
School feeding: As part of scaling-up of the Tsogolo La Thanzi II programme (TSOLATA 2), WFP conducted a Home-Grown School Feeding trainer-of-trainers training in Mzuzu District involving 15 WFP staff and 96 participants from agriculture, education, community development, nutrition and social welfare from Mzimba, Nkhatabay and Rumphi district councils. After training, WFP advised district councils to develop workplans and roll out the programme.