• According to Meteorological Services Department, due to moisture stress and prolonged dry spells experienced in March 2015 in many parts of the country, crops were reported to be wilting and some drying pre-maturely raising fears of crop production failure and household food availability problems in the 2015/16 consumption season.
• Meanwhile, the Malawi Vulnerability Assessment Committee (MVAC) indicates that some 616,000 additional people will require food aid until mid-year as a result of the flood disaster.
• During the reporting period, a total of 5,072 people have been reached with hygiene promotion on cholera and other diarrhoea disease prevention as well as hygiene and water treatment.
This brings the cumulative total population reached with hygiene promotion to 323,457 people in camps, schools and communities in affected districts.
• Total value of supplies delivered by UNICEF to date is at US$ 2,568,13.
• UNICEF has a funding gap of US$ 2,594,067, against the overall appeal for US$ 9,291,292.