Food and non-food items being delivered to affected populations across the districts.
UN and partners are supporting the life-saving emergency flood response.
Main Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) is in Lilongwe and 2 sub-EOCs are in Chikwawa and Nsanje.
Initial reports as of 15th February indicate worsening flooding impacts in Salima district and a team from DoDMA has deployed for an initial assessment.
Flash Appeal proposals are being developed by clusters towards a US$30M resource envelope.
HCT meeting scheduled for Wednesday 16th February to consider the draft Flash Appeal and the National Response Plan.
Tropical Storm Ana caused heavy flooding in a number of districts in Malawi, especially in the Southern Region due to a lot of heavy rainfall and strong winds. Malawi President declared a State of National Disaster on 26th January 2022.
According to the Department of Climate Change and Meteorological Services, while the 2019 Cyclone Idai was a tropical cyclone, Ana is not a cyclone. Rather, it is a moderate tropical storm, yet Idai had rainfall amounts of 150 mm within 24 hrs while Ana had 250 mm and above rainfall recorded within 24 hrs.
Displaced persons are seeking shelter in evacuation centres, schools, churches, hospitals, shelters, and made-up camp sites. Chikwawa, Nsanje, Phalombe and Mulanje and are the most affected districts.
The damage includes:
- Blown-off house roofs; loss of livestock; collapsed houses, toilets, and brick fences; damaged road network, bridges, culverts, and other road structures; loss of household items; and damaged public and private infrastructure, including schools, health facilities and churches.
- Destroyed teaching and learning materials; crops washed away, logging of crops from the strong winds, damage on power plant causing power supply disruptions; and contamination of water sources.
Initial reports as of 15th February indicate worsening flooding impacts in Salima district and a team from DoDMA has deployed for an initial assessment.