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Malawi National Anticipatory Action Technical Training for Districts - Sunbird Capital Hotel, Lilongwe, Malawi (29 - 31 July 2024)


1 Background

Malawi is prone to a range of climate-related hazards, including drought and excessive rainfall, causing floods and landslides. In recent years, the frequency and intensity of disasters have risen significantly due to climate change. Anticipatory Action (AA) is a key humanitarian tool in Disaster Risk Management (DRM) that uses forecast-based triggers and thresholds to enable interventions before a shock occurs to reduce its impact. In view of the growing momentum for AA work in the country, the Malawi National Anticipatory Action Technical Working Group (MNAA-TWG) organized an AA training targeting technical-level district officials, partner organizations and academia involved in the actual preparation and implementation of AA activities.

2 Structure of the training event

The technical training took place at Sunbird Capital Hotel in Lilongwe, Malawi between 29-30 n. The training was designed to give a short presentation on the theory, while spending more time on the exercises and feedback. The participants were requested to work with their district representatives and to use their districts as basis of the exercise. The academia and partner group worked together and used different districts as example. The event was closed with a half-day high-level event on 31 July, which focused on sharing the key takeaways from the training as formulated by the participants, a deliberation on the progress of AA in Malawi by the MNAA-TWG, a panel discussion by key AA actors and finally a deliberation on the strategic messaging and recommitment from the Department of Disaster Management Affairs (DoDMA) in Malawi.

The presentations and group work of the training can be found:


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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