The Assistant Secretary General (ASG) for Humanitarian Affairs and Deputy Emergency Relief Coordinator, Ms. Ursula Mueller, was in Malawi from 10 - 12 June 2019 on a joint mission with Honourable Omar Rabi, Minister Plenipotentiary/Political Coordinator for Morocco and representative of ECOSOC, to assess the humanitarian impact of the floods crisis due to the Cyclone Idai and to increase awareness on recovery efforts. The delegation visited Mwalija and Medrum villages in Chikwawa District with Wilson Moleni, Principal Secretary of the Department of Disaster Management and Affairs (DoDMA) and Marie Jose Torres, the United Nations Resident Coordinator. The Mr Moleni, PS for DoDMA and Mr. Mwafongo, the Chief Mitigation Officer, represented Malawi at the 2019 ECOSOC Humanitarian Affairs Segment (HAS) Geneva from 24-26 June. The theme for the event was “Promoting action to save lives, reach those in need and reduce humanitarian risk, vulnerability and need”. The meeting presented an opportunity for Malawi to present highlights from the Recovery Plan and the financing requirements for recovery.
DoDMA and the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) established an Advisory Group to work on a review of the Floods Response (March-June 2019). The purpose of the review is to draw lessons learnt: what has worked well, what were the challenges and to provide the actionable recommendations on how to improve humanitarian assistance. The Advisory Group is comprised of DoDMA, donors, UN agencies and NGOs.
As the Emergency Response Plan ended on 30th June, all clusters were notified to transition back to a sector approach, particularly for the purposes of recovery planning and programming, ensuring continuity of recovery efforts.
On the 3rd July, DoDMA and the Ministry of Finance will officially launch the Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) at the BICC Conference Centre, Lilongwe. The PDNA estimated that the total value of the effects of the disaster amounted to US$ 220.2 million and the Government will require US$ 370.5 million for resilient recovery and reconstruction needs. The disaster effect was highest in the Social Sector whereby the Housing Sub-sector proportionately suffered the most damage followed by the Education and Health Sub-sectors.