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Malawi: Floods - Situation Report No. 5 (as of 20th May 2019)


This report is produced jointly by the Department of Disaster Management Affairs (DoDMA) of Malawi and the United Nations Office of the Resident Coordinator in Malawi, in collaboration with humanitarian and development partners. It covers the period 28th April – 20 May 2019..


As at 20 May, 731,879 people have been reached with food assistance in all 15 affected districts. Safe water was provided for 91,101 people through water trucking and rehabilitation of boreholes. Over 42,874 people have access to improved sanitation facilities in camps and the surrounding areas.

According to the Malawi Red Cross Society (MRCS) and the Department of Disaster Management Affairs (DoDMA), only 6 displacement sites out of the 173 sites reported at the beginning of the flood’s crisis remain active. 4 of the sites are in Chikwawa district and 2 in Nsanje district.
The Emergency Response Appeal launched on 28 March is currently funded at 81% with contributions and pledges amounting US$ $38.3 million out of the needed US$45.2 million. The current funding gap stands at US$$6.9 million.

The 2019 Floods Post Disaster Needs Assesment(PDNA), estimated that the total effects of heavy rains and floods amounted to US$220.2 million and the Government of Malawi will require about US$370million to help affected people and communities to recover and reconstruct. Emerging from the PDNA, UNDP conducted a comprehensive consultation, following which a Recovery Plan is underdevelopment. Partners are now completing the Recovery Action Plan template which will inform the transition to recovery. The report is expected to be launched in mid-June.

15 Affected Districts

868,895 Affected throughout the country

731,879 People in need

86,976 People displaced in IDP camps

142,660 HHs reached with relief assistance

90 Partners providing relief assistance

Situation Overview

The humanitarian response has succeeded in reaching at least 731,879 people with food distribution in all 15 districts affected by the floods. In-kind distribution and cash transfers is being rolled out in 9 of the 15 districts. Food packages are not standardized with some households receiving cash while others receiving food in form of maize or rice. Partners are encouraged to contribute towards the return home package proposed by DODMA. Water trucking and repair of boreholes in camps successfully ensured 91,101 people had safe and potable water. Priority was given to improved sanitation amenities for 42,874 people in the camps and surrounding communities affected by the floods. Despite the significant achievements made in reaching the most vulnerable slightly above 12,856 people remain displaced in camps in Chikwawa and Nsanje districts.

DoDMA and partners are verifying the number of people that have returned to their places of origin and to accurately count those remaining in displacement sites to inform programming. In the last week of April, IOM in collaboration with DoDMA conducted the third round of the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) IOM, DoDMA and the Malawi Red Cross are currently reviewing the data from the recent DTM exercise to accurately inform on the remaining numbers of displaced populations.

The Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) estimated that the total effects of heavy rains and floods amounted to US$220.2 million and the Government of Malawi will require about US$ 370million to help affected people and communities to recover. Cost of rebuilding homes for those affected is estimated at US$$105.9million, agriculture reinvestment at US$41.1million. UNDP engaged an Early Recover Advisor to support drafting the Early Recovery plan. Finalization of the plan is expected in by end of June.

Affected households are being supported to plant in time for the winter planting season. According to FESWENT projections, districts affected by the flooding are in Stressed (IPC Phase 2) while some households are facing Crisis (IPC3) having lost their crops and livestock and extensive damage to land.

Partners have begun early recovery activities through supporting households with seeds and agricultural inputs to meet the winter planting season.

Of the 27 reported cases of cholera there is 1 reported death. Five districts have been affected by cholera namely Nsanje, Chikwawa, Blantyre, Mwanza and Machinga. There has been no case from displaced people in the camp and preventative measures including the engagement of Environmental Health Officers.