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Malawi: Floods DoDMA Situation Report No. 8 (as of 11 February 2015)



  • The current number of people displaced to temporary sites in all of the 15 districts included in the Declaration of State of Disaster is about 230,000.

  • An inter-agency verification of displaced people with support from UNDAC will be conducted this week in Zomba.

  • The Malawi Vulnerability Assessment Committee is planning to undertake the 2015 Food Security Assessment and Monitoring exercise in 27 districts of the country. Due to the current flood situation, the exercise will concurrently be done with a Food Security assessment in the flood affected areas.

  • The Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) has released about $6.9 million for live-saving activities response in the key sectors: Shelter and CCCM, Food Security, Agriculture, WASH, Logistics and Education.

  • US$ 2.28 million have been made available so far from the One UN Fund (Humanitarian Window), for responding to protection, nutrition and coordination needs, including the establishment of a Displacement Tracking Monitoring system