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Malawi: 2015 Floods Humanitarian Situation (as of 23 January 2015)



  • Since early January 2015 the southern districts of Malawi have been experiencing above-normal rains, which have provoked massive floods along the Shire and Ruo rivers.

  • The President of the Republic of Malawi declared a State of Disaster on 13 January in 15 districts, with floods affected an estimate of 638,000 people countrywide, and 79 deaths. In Nsanje district only, 153 people are still missing.

  • Preliminary assessments conducted by UNDAC in collaboration with local authorities indicate that the floods have left at least 174,000 people displaced in the three most hit districts: Nsanje, Chikwawa and Phalombe.

  • On 21st January 2015, the Vice-President of Malawi announced the launch of a Preliminary Response Plan budgeted in US$ 81 million. At present, 21% has been funded.


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