Results of the rapid multisector assessment (led by BNGRC – Bureau National de Gestion des Risques et des Catastrophes – and OCHA) estimates that 226,000 people have been affected by Tropical Cyclone Freddy in the Vatovavy region alone.
WFP received 20 MT of high energy biscuits (HEB) at Antananarivo airport on 28 February.
Adding in the needs for WFP’s Freddy and Cheneso response to its existing emergency operations in the south-east, WFP has a net funding requirement of USD 40 million (February to July 2023). Pipeline breaks start in April.
OCHA is providing WFP with USD 100,000 Emergency Cash Grant – this was used for the rapid aerial assessments following Tropical Cyclone Freddy and for logistics support.
Situation overview – Freddy
The Malagasy authorities have issued yesterday an alert for heavy rain and swell on the west coast starting from Thursday, 2 March, due to the expected return of Freddy on the west coast
Results of the rapid multisector assessment (led by BNGRC and OCHA) estimates that 226,000 people have been affected by Tropical Cyclone Freddy in the Vatovavy region, including 15,600 households (78,000 people) in Manjary, Nosy Varika and Ifanadiana districts facing immediate food insecurity. This number is in addition to the 874,000 food insecure people noted in the November 2022 Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) analysis – a crisis that has continued since last year’s cyclone season.
Agriculture production and other livelihoods have been destroyed which could result in a rapid deterioration of the food security situation in the coming weeks if assistance is not provided. The 15,600 households are in need of food assistance for 3 months as well as livelihood support to salvage the agricultural season, including for corn, beans, Bambara peas, and market gardening.