- BNGRC situation update on the impact of Cyclone Emnati – 01 March 21:00 (temporary numbers):
o 15 persons reported dead.
o 169,583 persons affected (44,046 households).
o 17,265 displaced persons (4,166 households) across 71 accommodation sites in 11 regions: Amoron'i Mania, Androy, Anosy, Atsimo Andrefana, Atsimo Atsinanana, Fitovinany, Ihorombe, Matsiatra Ambony, Sofia, Vakinankaratra, and Vatovavy.
WFP continues to build its response at scale with plans to assist around 317,000 people over the next three months. Approximately 100,000 people will receive food rations and 217,000 people will receive cash transfers.
EU Humanitarian Aid flights, financed by ECHO and managed by UNHAS, are being launched to facilitate travel between Antananarivo and cyclone-affected communities in the east, namely Manakara, Mananjary, and Farafangana. The first flights took place today.