In Numbers
6,183 mt of food assistance distributed
US$ 1,254,347 cash-based transfers under the drought response
US $73.2 million net funding requirements for the next lean season (November 2022 to April 2023)
453,058 people assisted in September 2022
Operational Updates
Emergency Overview and Response
A deterioration in the food security situation in southern Madagascar is expected from November 2022 (corresponding to the beginning of the lean season), according to the IPC Acute Food Insecurity analysis, due to a combination of factors such as inflation, dwindling stocks and purchasing power of households, thus generating the use of alternative coping strategies to feed themselves. 2.13 million people are expected to be food insecure and almost all southern districts will be in crisis (IPC3) except Taolagnaro and Ifanadiana, which will be under stress.
In September, WFP implemented life-saving food assistance for about 364,416 food insecure people in the most droughtaffected districts. Food assistance is combined with nutritional assistance through the provision of preventive supplementary feeding to 18,773 pregnant and lactating women as well as 41,786 children aged 6 to 59 months.
31,083 children were assisted through malnutrition treatment during the September distribution cycle.
Cyclone Season Overview and Response
From August 2022, thanks to a BHA contribution, WFP is implementing unconditional food distribution for 145,944 vulnerable people in 27 most-affected communes according to the April 2022 IPC results. Cash distributions are also taking place in areas hard to reach by regular transport and where informal markets are available. Preparations are underway for the next cyclone season with local authorities.
Based on lessons learned during the first response phase,
February to June 2022, WFP will strengthen its internal preparedness activities and will also support institutional and community preparedness to cyclones and floods.
UN Humanitarian Air Service (UNHAS)
UNHAS transported 232 passengers from 26 registered user organizations. In addition, UNHAS operated one medical evacuation and two special flights.
To improve the safety of its flights, UNHAS conducted weeding work, rehabilitation of the terminal and windsock installation at Ambovombe airfield.