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WFP Madagascar Country Brief, November 2021


In Numbers

461,500 beneficiaries with in-kind food assistance and 175,465 beneficiaries through cash transfers under WFP drought response in southern Madagascar

US$ 56.3 million six-month net funding requirements for emergency response (January – June 2022)

820,000 people assisted across all activities in November 2021

Operational Updates

Drought Situation

Madagascar continues to face the consequences of the most severe drought since 1981, affecting most of the areas in the south, including Atsimo Andrefana region, the breadbasket of the GrandSud, and resulting in a severe humanitarian crisis.

Preliminary results from the latest food security and malnutrition IPC analyses conducted in November show that while the number of people in IPC 4 has not augmented, the number of people in IPC 3 has increased from 730,000 to over a million since the previous IPC results released in April 2021. Overall, the initial findings highlight a steady deterioration of the food security situation over the past year with 1.47 million people in IPC 3 and above as per the latest IPC analysis compared to 1.14 million and 1.06 million people in IPC 3 and above for the previous IPC analyses respectively conducted in April 2021 and December 2020.

Food availability is considered lower than normal in most markets in the south due to the poor harvest registered earlier this year as well as limited imported products. With the lean season, both the diversity and market availability of local food staples are decreasing, because of the meager production from the latest harvest. Food inflation is estimated at 8% and is mainly driven by poor agricultural production, high transportation costs, and the lasting negative impact of mitigation measures against COVID-19.