In Numbers
829 mt of food assistance distributed
US$ 491,241 cash-based transfers
US$ 144 m six months (June-November 2023) net funding requirements,
579,900 people assisted in May 2023
Operational Updates
Emergency Overview and Response
May 2023 marked the start of the post-lean season. Consequently, there has been a reduction in the number of people assisted, reaching the most vulnerable experiencing critical food insecurity. Some 451,820 people received unconditional food assistance, which was coupled with prevention of malnutrition for 31,658 pregnant and breastfeeding women and 10,849 children under 24 months.
Cyclone Season Overview and Response
In the Great South-East, the food needs due to cyclone Freddy remain high and WFP has completed most of the planned unconditional food assistance for the month of May. WFP reached 128,080 people of which 41,165 people received food and 86,915 people were assisted through cash transfers. The assistance will continue in the months to come, thanks to new funding from European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) and the African Development Bank Group (AFDB), for some 486,655 beneficiaries.
UN Humanitarian Air Service (UNHAS)
UNHAS transported 474 passengers and 19.8 mt of cargo for 30 organizations during May 2023 – 212 people and 18 mt of them were carried by the ECHO-funded helicopter operating the “EU Humanitarian Aid Flight” enabling access to the hardto-reach locations affected by cyclones and floods. The helicopter stopped operation by 11 May 2023 due to lack of funding.
Users were able to provide feedback on the service to UNHAS and directly from the field (Ambovombe and Ampanihy).
An evaluation mission was conducted by WFP Engineering to assess the airfields’ condition in the south and to identify the rehabilitation works needed to maintain the vital aviation access to Ambovombe, Ampanihy and Bekily.