Global assessments from the National Bureau for Risk and Catastrophe Management (BNGRC) after the Indlala and Jaya (2-4 April) cyclones report 89 people dead, 30 missing and 126 injured. Thirty-one thousand are still reported as homeless and in urgent need of humanitarian assistance. A total number of 141,600 people were affected among seven regions, including: Diana, Sofia, Sava, Analanjirofo, Vatovavy Fitovinany, Atsimo Antsinanana and Aloatra Mangoro.
Jaya added to the destruction along the northeast coast, mainly affecting the regions of Sava (Sambava, Antalaha) and Analanjirofo (Maroantsetra district).
In terms of education, a 12 April report from the Ministry of Education states that the total number of damaged primary schools is now 506. One hundred and six of all the affected schools are totally destroyed. In Antalaha, an additional 113 schools were closed due to severe damage by Jaya. Four other educational districts (-CISCO: Antsohihy, Analalava, Befandriana Nord, Bealanana) in Sofia have also incurred additional school damage. UNICEF is increasing its intervention to respond to the needs of 54,000 affected children.
On 3 April, the Prime Minister called on national and international communities to support stronger coordination at the national and regional levels and to boost the response to the crisis with additional human and material resources. Responding immediately, UNICEF reinforced staffing and logistical operations in its Ambanja and Antsohihy bases and deployed an educational specialist to Maraontsetra.
According to the latest village-level assessments, the regions that require urgent assistance are: Sava, Analanjirofo, Diana and Sofia, particularly with regard to restricted access to many villages, lack of clean water and inadequate sanitation facilities.
In terms of WASH needs, an analysis of flood-affected areas revealed that the majority of municipalities are using surface water (rivers, natural fountains, wells), although people are aware of the risk of taking water directly from the rivers due to the presence of dead animals and other detritus. This situation increases vulnerability to water related diseases; children in particular are at risk of diarrhea. People need help to collect and filter water or allow its decantation and chlorination. Water purificators (SurEau), water recipients for transport and storage, filters, water storage capacity, and water tests are still needed for immediate use. The most affected families also need to re-establish their cooking capacities.
The deficiency of the cold chains at health centres, low immunization rates against measles in certain affected districts, and the isolation and inaccessibility of many areas all give reason to believe there is risk of a measles outbreak.