• As of 31 December 2023, US$ 17.6 million has been mobilized, representing 43% of the US$ 41.12 million HAC appeal for 2023, to meet the most urgent humanitarian needs of children and women affected by drought, cyclones and epidemics.
• In January and February 2023; 90,000 people (46,000 female and 44,000 male) were directly impacted by cyclones Cheneso and 187,400 (95,000 female and 92,400 male) by Freddy, including 88,000 displaced, 47 killed and 20 missing. Roads, schools, health centers and homes across several regions were damaged and destroyed.
• UNICEF has provided emergency water and sanitation services to 31,200 people (15,920 women and 15,340 men) including 7,960 girls and 7,670 boys.
• In 2023, UNICEF provided 134,115 children and pregnant women (67% of the annual target) with access to essential health services in areas affected by drought, cyclones and floods. A significant contribution to malaria, polio and measles epidemics was made to ensure prevention, case management and continued access to healthcare for children and women in affected areas.
• According to the results of a SMART survey in May-June 2023 in the 11 districts of the south-east, the combined prevalence of GAM (Global Acute Malnutrition) was 10.6% and the combined prevalence of severe acute malnutrition was 2.9% in children aged between 6 and 59 months.
• The results of exhaustive screening for acute malnutrition in the 11 districts of the Grand Sud region as part of the nutrition surveillance system for the 3rd quarter of 2023 (25 to 29 September 2023) were that the Proxy-GAM was 6.2% and the Proxy-SAM (Severe Acute Malnutrition) was 0.5%.
• UNICEF has treated 69,775 children (35,585 girls and 34,190 boys) for severe acute malnutrition and 713,143 children (392,193 girls and 320,950 boys) have received preventive nutrition emergency services.
• UNICEF continued to play a leading role in the Cash Working Group, coordinating the Humanitarian Cash Transfers (HCT) response of about 15 members (Government, UN agencies and NGOs) that reached a total of 196,349 households for the drought and the cyclone response in 2023, including 10,178 supported by UNICEF.