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UNICEF Madagascar Humanitarian Situation Report No. 16 (End of Year), October 2022



  • Nutrition situation improved between January 2022 and September 2022 and compared to the same period last year. However, the situation is still below normal with a high number of children admitted (28,955 children with SAM (14,189 boys and 17,766 girls)) to the Community Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM) program compared to the 5 years admission average.
  • Nutrition survey and mass screening in Southeast and Southern Madagascar realized in July and August 2022 confirmed an overall improvement of the nutrition situation. However, 12 out of 21 districts are expected to see the nutrition situation deteriorating into IPC phase 3 (severe situation) toward the end of the year and during the lean season up to May 2023. At least 479,044 children would suffer from acute malnutrition in 14 districts of Southern and southeast Madagascar, including 91,990 of severe wasting (38,967 in South-East and 53,023 in the south Madagascar).
  • From January to oct 2022, UNICEF’s WASH interventions have reached over 1,009,215 people (223,545 women; 281,870 girls; 222,551 men; 281,239 boys) who were most affected by the drought and cyclone in the regions of Androy, Anosy and Atsimo Andrefana, Fitovinany, Atsimo Atsinanana. UNICEF continues to support the social Cash transfer response to the effect of the 2020-2021 drought with 42,000 households receiving emergency allowances during the month of August and payment of the Universal Child Allowance.
  • With UNICEF's technical and financial support, as part of the overall health cluster response, from August to October, an additional 42,961 people living in the drought affected districts received essential integrated care, bringing the total number of people covered by essential and lifesaving care this year to 103,094 (52% of UNICEF's annual target).