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Tropical Cyclone Haruna Report No. 3 (as of 26 Feb 2013)



  • On 23 February 2013, aerial and field assessments started in Morombe and Toliary Districts. The last initial aerial assessment was carried out on 26 February in Betioky Sud and Sakaraha Districts.

  • Up to date, it has been reported 24 deaths, 92 injured people and 16 missing people.

  • Government and partners reported about 9,112 people in 20 temporary displacement sites, mainly in Toliary, and 623 others in host families in Ambovombe District, out of a total of 18,479 affected people.

  • Heavy damage on crops, mainly maize and rice, are being reported, with serious risk of food insecurity for a large part of the population in the coming months.

  • Areas affected by the burst of Fiherenana dyke in Toliary are still flooded.

  • Priority needs are water, sanitation and hygiene and shelter. Support to recovery activities, i.e. rehabilitation of houses and public basic services facilities as well as intervention in agriculture sector, will be needed in the coming weeks.