• This Operations Update has been done to inform of the timeframe extension of three months to the Madagascar Tropical Cyclone (TC) Batsiraï and Emnati Emergency Appeal (EA) until 30 September 2023. This extension is sought to finalize activities that had been delayed due to:
(i) challenges encountered from the 2023 heavy raining in season and the impact of successive cyclones which impacted Madagascar in early 2023, in particular Cyclone Cheneso and Tropical Cyclone Freddy. This resulted in continuous rains and flooding in several of the implementing areas which hampered the activities.
(ii) Serious damages caused by the Cyclone Freddy to the same population initially affected by the TC Batsiraï.
(iii) Challenges in the procurement of Shelter & Settlement items due to high demand caused Syria & Turkey earthquake.
• According to BNGRC and the Madagascar Red Cross, the first impact of Tropical Cyclone Freddy alone caused 7 deaths and affected 116,701 people (27,692 households) in 7 regions including: Vatovavy, Fitovinany, Atsimo Atsinanana, Atsinanana, Matsiatra Ambony, Menabe and Amoron’I Mania. 37,731 people were displaced and found shelter in the emergency accommodation sites (13,386 households), 6,465 houses were flooded, 12,617 shelters partially destroyed, and 9,737 shelters completely destroyed. Cyclone Freddy had the same trajectory as Cyclone Batsiraï and affected the same people and communities that had been previously affected. The impact of Tropical Cyclone Freddy, led to difficult road access and disrupted the transportation of Shelter and Settlements items to beneficiary communities which had already been identified. This unfortunately led to put all related activities on hold until favourable times.
• This extension is being sought to allow for the smooth closing of the operation as well as to allow for the final implementation of remaining activities mainly focused on international procurement of Shelter and Settlement items.
• This Operations Update also reports on the accomplished objectives. After over 15 months of implementation, a total of 5,183 HH were provided with direct emergency shelter, settlement assistance, and 6,562 HH for multipurpose cash, 938 HH supported by Cash for Shelter, 1,000 HH were assisted by the distribution of improved rice seeds as well as agricultural tools.