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Madagascar: Tropical cyclone Haruna DREF operation n° MDRMG009


CHF 298,747 has been allocated from the IFRC’s Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) to support Madagascar Red Cross Society in delivering immediate assistance to some 10,000 beneficiaries. Unearmarked funds to repay DREF are encouraged.

Summary: Tropical cyclone Haruna brought heavy rains to the west coast of Madagascar for several days before making landfall on 22 February, 2013. Information from the National Office for Disaster Management, Ministry of Interior (BNGRC) indicates that as of 25 February, Morombe and Toliara are the most affected while Sakaraha, Miandrivazo and Antananarivo are moderately affected. To date, BNGRC has registered 23 deaths, with 16 people missing, 81 people injured and 22,498 others affected, with the numbers increasing every day.

Malagasy Red Cross Society (MRCS) activated its contingency plan and mobilized its national disaster response team (NDRT) to assist affected families. Volunteers from its branches assisted with evacuations in the days leading up to the cyclone making landfall, and provided psychosocial support as well as hygiene awareness in the aftermath. A representative from MRCS has been attending BNGRC meetings to share and coordinate with other actors in-country.

With IFRC’s support through DREF, MRCS will deploy its volunteers to conduct a further assessment of the situation to identify up to 2,000 of most vulnerable families (approximately 10,000 people) and provide assistance in five districts affected by the tropical cyclone. In line with the National Society’s contingency plan for cyclones and floods, the operation will address emergency needs in the sectors of shelter, emergency health as well as water and hygiene promotion.

This operation is expected to be implemented over four months, and will therefore be completed by 31 June 2013. A Final Report will be made available three months after the end of the operation, by 31 September 2013.