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Madagascar TC Gamane DREF Operational Update (MDRMG022)


Date of event


What happened, where and when?

On March 27, 2024, Tropical Cyclone Gamane made landfall in Madagascar early in the morning, with an average wind speed estimated at 150 km/h with gusts up to 210 km/h. The cyclone hit the commune of Ampisikinana in the Vohémar district of the Sava Region.

The cyclone's path brought severe weather to three regions in Northern Madagascar: Sava, Diana, and Analanjirofo. Since landfall, these regions, particularly Sava, Analanjirofo, and parts of the Diana region, have experienced heavy rainfall, leading to flooding in towns and villages. In the Analanjirofo region, all the fokontany in the Commune Urbaine (CU) of Sambava, as well as the Communes Rurales (CR) of Ambinanitelo and Andranofotsy in the Maroantsetra district, are flooded. Reports from branches, authorities, and partners indicate ongoing flooding affecting parts of the Sava Region, including the towns of Antalaha, Sambava, and Vohemar. A provisional assessment by the National Disaster Risk Management Office on March 28 shows that three people are missing, 36,934 are affected, and 19,192 are displaced.

Red heavy rainfall warnings were issued for the Diana, Sava, Ambatosoa, and Analanjirofo regions, as well as the Toamasina and Vohibinany districts in the Atsinanana Region. Green heavy rainfall warnings were issued for the Analalava, Antsohihy, Bealanana, Mandritsara, Befandriana Nord, Antanambao Manampotsy, Marolambo, Mahanoro, and Stone districts in the Alaotra-Mangoro Region. Red strong wind and heavy swell warnings were also in place for much of Madagascar's eastern, northeastern, and southern coastlines.

Scope and Scale

BNGRC (the National Bureau of Disaster Management) reported that 4 regions in the north of Madagascar have been affected by the cyclone Gamane track, with 3 regions particularly affected (ANALANJIROFO, DIANA et SAVA) by heavy rainfall.

On 28 March 2024, the provisional assessment shared by the National Disaster Risk Management Office reported 3 people who were missing, 36 934 people who were affected (including 19 192 displaced), 14 deaths, 6,757 houses flooded, and several other infrastructures impacted. The information was very limited due to the bad weather and access challenges resulting from that situation.

Immediately, both the Government, Malagasy Red Cross and partners started collecting situation information since the landfall of TC Gamane. The access to the affected areas was challenging as continuous collection of data was ongoing. As of 02 April, the latest report from the National Bureau for Disaster Risk Reduction (BNGRC) reported the following impact:

- 03 people missing (01 in ANTSIRANANA II, 01 in ANTALAHA and 01 in SAMBAVA).

- 19 people lost their lives (01 in MANANARA NORD, 07 in MAROANTSETRA, 01 in TOAMASINA II, 01 in VAVATENINA, 01 in AMBILOBE, 01 in ANTSIRANANA II, 01 in ANTALAHA, 02 in SAMBAVA and 03 in VOHEMAR).

- 04 people injured (01 in ANTALAHA, 02 in VOHEMAR and 01 in TOAMASINA II).

- 89,465 people affected, i.e. 22,189 households in 12 districts mainly. 4 districts in Sava region, 2 in Diana region, 5 districts in Analanjirofo but low impact across the districts, 1 district in Atsinanana with the lowest impact.

- 22,615 displaced people (5,892 households) currently in 78 shared accommodation sites and 3,687 people (997 households) displaced with their families/neighbours.

- 18,834 houses flooded.

- 779 huts destroyed.

- 22 classrooms totally destroyed; 106 classrooms partially destroyed, and 07 classrooms completely destroyed.

- 2,236 Ha of flooded rice fields and 665 Ha of sandy rice fields.

A detailed assessment has been conducted by the MRCS from 06th to 17th April. Preliminary results of the assessments show the following findings: The majority of the assessed HHs report having shelter/health/WaSH needs while 53% of assessed HHs have been flooded. WaSH needs are concentrated in Vohemar: 527 HHs/1449 assessed HHs. The detailed assessment shows how the different needs within sectors is quite dispersed, confirming the relevance of multipurpose cash distribution.

More details can be found on this link: r=eyJrIjoiZGRmMTVkMjgtZjgyZC00YmNkLTg1MGMtODNmOTRlMjQ0MmRhIiwidCI6IjRjZDY0YmRlLTYyMmEtNGI2Zi04MGYwLWEzZDlmOGNiN TFlYSIsImMiOjl9&pageName=ReportSection The MRCS is positioning itself to carry out wash activities in the SAVA Region, especially in the districts of Sambava, Antalaha and Vohémar, and in the Analanjirofo Region, in the district of Maroantsetra. The MRCS will also be responsible for managing the accommodation sites, as they have been mandated by the BNGRC to coordinate these sites in collaboration with the local risk and disaster management unit. As it has also been observed through the affected population’s needs, a multipurpose cash distribution will also be organised.