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Madagascar Country Office: Humanitarian Situation Report No. 3 - Reporting Period: 31 August 2021



  • The multisectoral nutrition and food insecurity, as well as WASH emergency in southern Madagascar, remains of grave concern since structural aggravation will likely continue until March 2022 unless sufficient rain arrives.

  • UNICEF has promoted a multi-pronged approach, building on interventions that link nutrition to WASH, health, education, shock responsive social protection, child protection and gender interventions.

  • Since the beginning of the UNICEF’s Corporate L2 emergency scale up in July, UNICEF and partners treated 5,287 severe acute malnutrition (SAM) cases in July (confirmed data), in addition to at least 4,000 SAM cases in August (to be confirmed). Between January and July 2021, 45,000 children with SAM have been admitted and treated, more than three times the number admitted and treated for the same period in 2020.

  • UNICEF’s water interventions have reached 52,000 people who are most affected by the drought in the regions of Androy, Anosy and Atsimo Andrefana out of 807,000 targeted by the WASH cluster.

  • 36,928 children under 5 and 2,866 pregnant women have benefited from free health services, including the management of childhood illnesses, maternal and neonatal care, and vaccination in health centers and through mobile clinics.

  • UNICEF continued to coordinate the cash response to the drought. The members of the Cash Working Group (CWG) are targeting 180,000 families with cash assistance to respond to food insecurity for the second phase. UNICEF covered about 35,000 people (covering 7,550 families, approximately 28,000 children) in the commune of Ifotaka.

  • A recent rapid assessment conducted in 12 communes affected by the nutritional emergency unveiled a prevalent perception (more than 70 per cent of respondents) of increased exposure of children to child labour, sexual exploitation, and child marriage. A total of 72 per cent of the women and girls interviewed feel unsafe in their daily lives.