Situation in Numbers
1,285,000 people facing high acute food insecurity (IPC Phase 3 and 4)
187,000 People affected by cyclone
28,000 people critically food insecure (IPC Phase 5)
575,000 children in need
• Nutrition situation improved between January 2022 and July 2022 and compared to the same period last year. However, the situation is still below normal with a high number of children admitted (24,706 children with SAM (12,477 boys and 12,229 girls)) to the Community Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM) program compared to the 5 years admission average.
• Nutrition survey and mass screening targeted South - East and Southern Madagascar have been completed and Integrated phase classification confirmed an overall improvement of the nutrition situation. However, 12 out of 21 districts are expected to see the nutrition situation deteriorating into IPC phase 3 (severe situation) toward the end of the year
• From January to July 2022, UNICEF’s WASH interventions have reached over 987,911 people (219,122 women; 275 543 girls; 218,209 men; 275,037 boys) who were most affected by the drought and cyclone in the regions of Androy, Anosy and Atsimo Andrefana,
Fitovinany, Atsimo Atsinanana.
• Through UNICEF's technical and financial support, 61,133 people (30,602 girls, 25,821 boys, and 3,710 pregnant women) received essential health services for the period January-July 2022. In addition, 3,989 people (2,205 women and 1,784 men) were vaccinated against the coronavirus.
• During the reporting period, 40,000 children (20,000 girls) mostaffected by cyclone in 505 schools in the South-East and 115,000 children (60,000 girls) in 520 schools in the drought-affected districts in the South were reached through UNICEF’s education through emergency response interventions.
• UNICEF has proceeded with the second payment of the target group of the Universal Child Benefit program reaching approximately 14,180 children (6,800 households) and 58 pregnant women in the month of July 2022. UNICEF continues to coordinate the cash plus response for the drought through the Cash Working Group.