In Numbers
109,244 people assisted in August 2020
767 MT of food assistance distributed in August
USD 6.2 m six-month (September 2020 – February 2021) net funding requirements
Operational Updates
- In August 2020, WFP reached approximately 109,244 people in need through its programmes in Libya, which include direct general and emergency food distributions, emergency food distributions through the inter-agency Rapid Response Mechanism, food support through the new e-voucher modality, and at-home delivery of the school feeding project.
- Following the GNA announcement of a full 24-hour lockdown for four days until 29 August, in-kind and e-voucher distributions in the West (Tarhuna, Tawergha, Tripoli, Mezda and Zwara) had to be postponed, affecting about 25,000 beneficiaries, who will receive their August 2020 food entitlement early September once the curfew is lifted. WFP Libya successfully completed its scheduled distributions in the East and the South, including one inter-agency rapid emergency response for 341 Sudanese asylum-seekers in the South (Traghan), during the extended curfew hours, under special permission from the Local authorities.
- WFP, in consultation with the Ministry of Education and their municipality offices, distributed a second round of take-home school feeding rations to 18,379 schoolchildren and their families in Alkufra, Alqatroun, Alsharkiya and Ghat in August. WHO-produced COVID-19 awareness and prevention leaflets were also be distributed along with WFP rations.
- Since end April, the commodity e-voucher transfer modality successfully met the goal of reaching 5,000 people in need in Tripoli on a monthly basis. In August, WFP Libya scaled up its e-voucher commodity programme by extending it to Zwara region, transitioning 5,000 people from the existing General Food Assistance to the new modality. Recipients can redeem their food parcels at local stores through the use of a locally developed app, stimulating the economy and raising partner tech capacity. Measures to prohibit the spread of COVID-19 continue to be stringently implemented.
- WFP Libya received a generous donation of EUR 3.5 million from Italy, the biggest contribution since the reopening of the operation in 2014.