I. Introduction
- The present report, submitted pursuant to Security Council resolution 2376 (2017), covers political and security developments in Libya, provides an overview of the human rights and humanitarian situation in the country and outlines the activities of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) since the issuance of my previous report on 7 May 2018 (S/2018/429).
II. Political and security-related developments
On 2 July, I announced the appointment of Stephanie T. Williams of the United States of America as the new Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Political Affairs in Libya. She took up her functions immediately.
During the reporting period, my Special Representative continued to engage with Libyan, regional and international stakeholders to support the implementation of the United Nations action plan. He also endeavoured to facilitate discussions on viable options to hold national elections in 2018, as foreseen by the plan and requested by the Security Council (see S/PRST/2018/11). Overall, stakeholders remained supportive of the United Nations action plan as the means to resolve the Libyan crisis.
Meanwhile, the security situation remained volatile. The mid-June attempt to capture key oil facilities in the oil crescent region resulted in loss of life and destruction of infrastructure. Following a military offensive that generated numerous reports of human rights violations, the Libyan National Army announced that it had assumed full control over the eastern city of Darnah at the end of June. In Tripoli, tension increased as a result of fighting to control the capital. Intercommunal conflict continued in southern Libya, where armed clashes at Sabha’s Elena Castle resulted in several deaths.