The armed conflict that started in April 2019 intensified throughout 2020, causing displacement and deterioration of the security, economy, infrastructure and provision of basic services. In addition, the lives of the civilian population, including children, were put at risk by continuous violations of international humanitarian law.
The conflict slowed down when the official ceasefire agreement was signed in October 2020 by the Government of National Accord (GNA) and the Libyan National Army (LNA). However, the situation remains unpredictable due to rivalries between the military factions.
In 2020, access to primary healthcare was improved for 613,009 children and women. Access to safe drinking water also improved for 24,921 people. 19,515 children had access to rehabilitated schools.
In addition, the child protection (CP) team in Libya reached 11,873 children with mental health and psychosocial support. 11,910 children had access to genderbased violence risk mitigation, prevention and response interventions, and 5,582 children received specialized CP services. Over 4.8 million people were reached with messages on prevention of CP risks.
UNICEF Libya’s Humanitarian Action for Children (HAC) appeal for 2020 called for $ 19.8 million to reach 268,000 children across Libya. The UNICEF humanitarian response remained underfunded throughout the year, with a total funding gap of $ 14.8 million (75 per cent).
Situation in Numbers
268,000 children (<18) in need of humanitarian assistance
(OCHA 2020 Libya Humanitarian Needs Overview)
893,000 people in need (Ibid.)
316,415 internally displaced people (IDPs)
(IOM Libya Monthly Update December 2020)
574,146 registered migrants in the country
(IOM Libya Monthly Update December 2020)