Population movement
As of 23 September, 8,247 refugees and migrants have been registered as rescued/intercepted at sea by the Libyan Coast Guard (LCG) and disembarked in Libya. On 21 September, some 91 individuals mainly from Sudan disembarked at the Tripoli Naval Base. UNHCR and its partner, the International Rescue Committee (IRC), continue to be present at the disembarkation points to provide urgent medical assistance and core relief items (CRIs) before individuals are transferred to detention centres by the Libyan authorities.
UNHCR response
Last week, UNHCR and the World Food Programme (WFP) conducted the distribution of food assistance to refugee and asylum-seeker populations in Misrata (190 km east of Tripoli), Al-Zawiya (45 km west of Tripoli) and Zwara (100 km west of Tripoli). Movement restrictions and curfews related to COVID-19 have made it difficult for people to find daily work, while food prices have also sharply risen, making it hard for families to feed themselves. Last week, more than 2,200 food-insecure refugees and asylum-seekers received food packages. Since the beginning of the year, a total of 9,600 internally displaced persons, refugees and asylum-seekers have received food assistance.
UNHCR and its partners continue to provide protection services in the urban community in Tripoli. The Sarraj Registration Office received 232 individuals last week, including 57 refugees and asylum-seekers scheduled for refugee-status determination and resettlement appointments. A total of 151 individuals mainly from Sudan but also Syria, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Nigeria and Palestine were also registered and received hygiene kits. As of 24 September, more than 5,800 individuals were registered with UNHCR in Libya.
On the medical front, UNHCR’s partner, IRC, provided a total of 99 medical consultations and 37 referrals at the Community Day Centre in Tripoli, while 291 medical consultations and 110 referrals were provided in Misrata. The 24/7 medical emergency hotline team also supported 15 persons of concern. So far this year, over 2,740 primary healthcare consultations were provided to urban refugees and asylum-seekers.
Distribution of cash assistance is ongoing. UNHCR’s partner, CESVI, has provided cash assistance to 112 refugees and asylum-seekers including regular cash assistance (44 individuals, 15 households) and emergency cash assistance (68 individuals, 39 households). So far this year, 2,862 refugees and asylum-seekers have received cash grants.