Population movements
Since 4 April, over 82,000 individuals have been displaced (IDPs) due to the clashes taking place in and around Tripoli. This week another 12,700 civilians moved from conflict areas to safer locations in cities along the coast, the Warshefana area or Nafusa Mountains. Humanitarian needs of civilians are increasing exponentially, with reported shortages of food, water and medicines. UNHCR continues to monitor needs of IDPs and planning interventions accordingly. This week, UNHCR distributed CRIs in Misrata to some 490 IDPs. Plans are also ongoing to support IDP students in Misrata with prefabricated classrooms. Since the onset of the crisis, UNHCR through its partner LibAid distributed core-relief items (CRIs) to over 9,400 IDPs. In April, UNHCR donated three ambulances to local hospitals in Tripoli and Tajoura.
As of 24 May, 2,222 refugees and migrants have been rescued/intercepted at sea by the Libyan Coast Guard in 2019. So far this month, 1,096 refugees and migrants were disembarked in Libya. They were mainly from Sudan, Ivory Coast and Somalia. UNHCR noted an increase in the number of disembarkation events compared to April (130 individuals) and March (218 individuals). This week, 203 individuals were disembarked at Al Khums port (120 km east of Tripoli) and another 86 individuals at the Tripoli Naval Base. UNHCR through its partner International Medical Corps (IMC) provided medical assistance and CRIs to those disembarked before they were transferred to a detention centre by the authorities. Most recent departures took place from areas west of Tripoli near Azzwaya, Sabratha, Zwara or areas east of Tripoli near Garabulli.
UNHCR response
So far this year, 892 refugees and asylum-seekers were evacuated or resettled out of Libya. UNHCR continues to appeal for humanitarian evacuations for refugees and asylum seekers in Libya. In 2019, 726 refugees and asylum-seekers departed to Italy (146 refugees) or to the Emergency Transit Mechanism (ETM) in Niger. Another 166 refugees departed from Libya or through the Emergency Transit Centre (ETC) in Romania.
The Gathering and Departure Facility in Tripoli is hosting 634 refugees and asylum-seekers, including over 390 children. The facility is almost at its full capacity. UNHCR is now planning an evacuation for 30 May. UNHCR estimates the presence of some 3,400 refugees and migrants held in detention centres located near conflict areas. UNHCR is advocating with authorities for their release or transfer to safer areas.
UNHCR continues to register and support refugees and asylum-seekers in urban areas. This week, UNHCR, IMC and CESVI assisted over 930 refugees and asylum-seekers with CRIs, medical assistance, psychosocial support and referrals at the two UNHCR’s Community Day Centres (CDCs). So far in 2019, UNHCR distributed cash-based interventions to 421 refugee families. The number of refugees visiting the two CDCs increased about 70 percent when compared with data collected last week. Registration activities were conducted at the Serraj registration centre.