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Libya + 4 more

UNHCR Update Libya (10 September 2021) [EN/AR]


Key Figures:

212,593 Libyans currently internally displaced (IDPs)

643,123 IDP returnees

41,897 registered refugees and asylumseekers

141 monitoring visits by UNHCR to detention centres in 2021

127 refugees and asylum-seekers released from detention in 2021

6,521 vulnerable refugees and asylumseekers departed since 2017 (345 so far in 2021)

Funding: USD 93.0 M required for 2021


On 9 September, UNHCR, as part of its implementation of quick-impact projects (QIPs) handed over ambulances to four local municipalities including Al-Swani, Azzawya, Nalut, Daraj and the Primary Health Care Institute. The handover ceremony was attended by UNHCR’s Chief of Mission, Jean-Paul Cavalieri, the UN Humanitarian Coordinator, Georgette Gagnon, the Health Sector Coordinator for the World Health Organization, Azret Kalmykov along with members of the municipal councils. This project aims to support existing health facilities by reaching Libyans, including internally displaced persons and returnees, in need of emergency medical assistance. QIPs are small-scale projects aimed at promoting community cohesion and peaceful coexistence. Since 2020, UNHCR has implemented 45 QIPs, which has included providing medical equipment and 15 ambulances to local health facilities as well as rehabilitation work in educational facilities.

Population Movements

So far in 2021, a total of 23,583 refugees and migrants have been reported as rescued/intercepted by the Libyan Coast Guard (LCG). The majority of those being returned to Libyan ports are nationals from Sudan (17 per cent), Mali (11 per cent) and Bangladesh (11 per cent). UNHCR and medical partner the International Rescue Committee (IRC) remain present at disembarkation points to provide urgent medical assistance and Core Relief Items (CRIs).

UNHCR Response

UNHCR continues to provide support for IDPs across Libya. As of 9 September, UNHCR and its national partner, LibAid distributed CRIs such as solar lamps, mattresses, heaters, clothes, hygiene kits, plastic sheets to some 25,000 IDPs. Cash assistance has also been provided to 763 IDPs and will continue to target more individuals in the upcoming months. In addition, a total of 665 IDPs have been provided with –information counselling and legal assistance to date.

Medical assistance continues to be provided by UNHCR’s partner, IRC. More than 10,000 primary healthcare consultations for refugees and asylum-seekers in Libya. In addition, 2,008 medical referrals were provided for secondary public and private clinics for further treatment.

Last week, partner CESVI provided cash assistance to 588 refugees and asylumseekers living in the urban community. This included regular cash assistance to 188 individuals and emergency cash assistance to 400 individuals. An additional 491 individuals received pre-paid cash cards through partner, the Norwegian Refugee Council.