Population Movements
As of 25 October, the Libyan Coast Guard (LCG) rescued/intercepted 14,156 refugees and migrants at sea. So far in 2018, 99 bodies were recovered from the Mediterranean while a further 608 individuals were lost at sea. The majority of individuals who disembarked in Libya comprise Sudanese (1,847 individuals), Nigerians (1,832 individuals) and Eritreans (1,542 individuals). Meanwhile, at disembarkation points and in the detention centres, UNHCR and its partner International Medical Corps (IMC) are providing medical assistance and core-relief items (CRIs).
UNHCR Response
UNHCR continues to provide assistance to internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Libya. On 17 October, UNHCR visited Fallah 1 and Fallah 2 settlements in Tripoli where more than 340 IDP families from Tawergha (some 1,700 individuals) are living. During the recent clashes in Tripoli, over 85 families left the settlements; however, it is expected that some families may return with the start of the school year, as the settlements have functioning schools. UNHCR supports IDPs with an aim to promote education. Last week, UNHCR distributed 1,690 school bags and school supplies to displaced children in Tripoli (Fallah 1 and Fallah 2 settlements), and in southern (Tarhuna, Sbe’aa, Sabha and Ubari) and eastern Libya (Tawergha and Derna). Due to the liquidity crisis, the price of school materials has increased. With these distributions, UNHCR hopes to mitigate the financial impact that the start of the school year has on displaced families.
UNHCR and its partners IMC and CESVI continue to provide humanitarian and medical assistance at its Community Day Centres (CDCs) in Tripoli. At the CDCs, UNHCR registers persons of concern and distributes core relief items (CRIs). IMC provides medical assistance while CESVI provides cash assistance and psychological support. So far in 2018, UNHCR’s partners also provided 7,227 primary healthcare consultations, 1,246 medical referrals and cash assistance to 1,517 individuals.
Refugees and asylum-seekers also benefit from vocational training such as language, IT, mathematics, sewing and crochet classes. In addition, health awareness campaigns are being conducted. On 22 October, UNHCR launched a three-day breast cancer awareness campaign at its CDCs.
UNHCR continues to advocate for alternatives to detention in Libya.
UNHCR’s refugee protection mandate necessitates that the Office has access to detention centres for the purpose of monitoring conditions, providing humanitarian assistance, identifying those in need of international protection and advocating for their release from detention. The assistance that UNHCR provides in detention facilities aims at alleviating the suffering of detainees. In 2018, UNHCR undertook 1,030 monitoring visits to detention centres. During the year, UNHCR distributed 17,101 CRIs to refugees and migrants at detention centres. In addition, UNHCR and its partner IMC provided 21,274 primary healthcare consultations and more than 200 medical referrals.
UNHCR continues to call for solutions in third countries for refugees and asylum seekers in Libya. Since November 2017, UNHCR evacuated 2,082 individuals out of Libya (1,675 to UNHCR’s Emergency Transit Mechanism in Niger, 312 to Italy and 95 to the Emergency Transit Centre in Romania). Since September 2017, another 930 individuals were submitted for resettlement to seven States (Canada, France, Italy,
Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland) directly from Libya. Of these, 70 individuals departed on resettlement from Libya to Canada, France, the Netherlands and Sweden.