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Statement by the United Nations Support Mission in Libya, 6 September 2021

TRIPOLI, 06 September 2021 - The United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) takes note of the release, on 5 September, of Mr. Al-Saadi Gadhaffi, along with Mr. Ahmed Ramadan and six other officials of the former regime who were detained for seven or more years. Mr. Gadhaffi’s release is in compliance with a legal order following his acquittal by a Libyan court in 2019.

These releases represent a significant step towards respect for the rule of law and human rights, and a positive development that can contribute to a rights-based national reconciliation process and further foster national unity.

In this regard, UNSMIL commends the efforts of the Government of National Unity, the Presidency Council and judicial authorities, and reiterates its calls on Libyan authorities to promptly release thousands of persons who remain arbitrarily detained in facilities across Libya.