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Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (S/2019/19) [EN/AR]


I. Introduction

  1. The present report, submitted pursuant to Security Council resolution 2434 (2018), covers political, security and economic developments in Libya, provides an overview of the human rights and humanitarian situation in the country and outlines the activities of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) since the issuance of my previous report on 24 August 2018 (S/2018/780).

II. Political, security and economic-related developments

  1. On 27 August, there were clashes in Tripoli between Tripoli-based armed groups and armed groups from the neighbouring cities of Tarhouna and Misrata. The nearly month-long conflict resulted in the destruction of critical infrastructure, the suspension of civil air movement and the loss of at least 120 civilian lives, including women and children. A ceasefire agreement reached under the auspices of UNSMIL on 4 September, supplemented by a consolidation agreement on 9 September, brought a reduction in fighting. On 6 September, the Security Council welcomed UNSMIL mediation efforts and called on all parties to implement and uphold the ceasefire.

  2. Since 25 September, the ceasefire has been largely respected and reinforced through a new comprehensive security plan for Tripoli endorsed by the Presidency Council of the Government of National Accord. That endorsement was made in concert with several other confidence-building measures, including: (a) the release of some prisoners; (b) the expected handover of vital installations from armed groups to State security providers; and (c) a package of economic reforms. The economic reform measures announced by the Council were aimed at alleviating the dire economic situation of the Libyan people and at reducing the stakes of militias in the shadow economy. On 7 October, the Council re-shuffled the Cabinet, appointing new Ministers for the Interior, Economy, Finance and Youth and Sport.

  3. My Special Representative continued to engage with Libyan, regional and international stakeholders to support the implementation of the United Nations action plan. In a briefing to the Security Council on 8 November, he announced the start of preparations and the time frame for a national conference to build momentum towards holding credible and inclusive elections and ending the prolonged transition of Libya.