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Libya + 4 more

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Crisis Situation Report No. 45


This report is produced by OCHA in collaboration with humanitarian partners. It was issued by OCHA Libya. It covers the period from 9 to 16 June. The next report will be issued on or around 23 June.

  • The Libyan Ministry of Health Centre for Disease Control has reported several cases of measles in Sabha, in southern Libya. OCHA Chad has received reports of measles-like symptoms among Chadians returning from Libya.

  • The Dhibat/Wazin border remains open and humanitarian partners are able to access and provide assistance to the Nafusa Mountains as far as Yafran via this border crossing. Access to Misrata has improved.

  • Over 70,500 Chadians and 81,591 Nigeriens have returned to their country from early March until 9 June. Increases in food prices and other economic factors continue to affect returnees, their families and communities they supported while working in Libya.

  • The US$407 million revised Regional Flash Appeal for the Libyan Crisis is currently funded at 51 per cent with $207 million committed and $1.6 million in pledges.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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