Key Developments
- Main facts:
Hurricane Daniel on the 10th of September caused a collapse of two dams in Derna city. The collapse of dams released a large amount of water leaving at least 4,345 individuals dead and 43,421 displaced. Over 8,500 people are still missing and feared dead. The damage to infrastructure was severe in 30% of the affected areas. 117 education facilities were affected while over 30 others were used as temporary shelter, and over 80% of health facilities in affected areas have been damaged. By mid October, roads have been reopened and basic services have been restored. Many schools have already or are just about to reopen, as 98 remain closed. Restoration of WASH infrastructure and health facilities is ongoing, while many locations have set up temporary field hospitals or clinics. An estimated 884,000 people remain in need of humanitarian assistance as a result of hurricane Daniel and subsequent flooding.
- Priority needs:
Urgent needs in the order of priority are shelter, health care (first aid/emergency care, mental health, vaccines and treatment of chronic diseases) and access to clean water and to markets. Secondary needs comprise safe sanitation and increasingly more protection measures.
- Priority geographical areas:
- Derna: Derna city hosts 38% of all displaced populations, while the district hosts about 24,500 displaced individuals. 3,979 buildings were affected. Derna's housing crisis necessitates urgent establishment of temporary shelters in nearby coastal areas, support for the displaced and access to safe water to avoid further disease outbreaks and losses of lives.
- Albayda, Almarj, and Benghazi: These regions together host about 22% of flood displaced individuals, including displaced from Derna who have left due to lack of water. While the majority of these displaced individuals have found temporary shelter options, the first priority needed in these areas is shelter. Benghazi also still needs some support for rescue operations.
- Sousa: 3,602 buildings have been affected by the floods in Sousa, leaving about 1,000 individuals displaced. Consequently Sousa ranks fourth in the reported numbers of buildings affected, after Derna, Albayda and Benghazi.
Priority affected groups: Vulnerable groups are families who lost breadwinners, newly widowed women, children who lost one or both parents, IDPs, refugees, migrants and people who lost assets and livelihood.
Sectoral needs:
- Shelter/NFI: 30,805 buildings were damaged leaving 43,000 individuals displaced. The remaining needs are cash for rent or rental subsidies, housing materials and items for safety. Also, needed are NFI items such as bedding, mattresses, sleeping bags, blankets and clothing, cooking utilities and materials to clean debris and mud in the houses that do not require rehabilitation. Rehabilitation of shelter is an increasing priority.
- Health: The flooding left 85% of hospitals and 88% of PHCs only partially functional or nonfunctional. While AWD remains the main health risk as cases have nearly doubled within one week, concerns over long term impacts on mental health are increasing. Also about 24,000 of women and girls are lacking reproductive health care services. The main needs remain restoration of the functionality of PHC facilities, provision of mental health support, filling critical gaps in medicine and supplies, and health promotion campaigns.
- WASH: Flood water and power distributions caused large-scale damage in WASH facilities. Access to drinking water has been restored for now, but it remains inaccessible for many. Work on restoring other WASH facilities is ongoing, while remaining needs are bottled water in Derna, cleaning boreholes and wastewater drainage, as well as hygiene promotion.
- Protection: Mainstreaming protection, particularly child protection into humanitarian response remains one of the highest needs. Special attention is required to address the safety and well-being of vulnerable groups. SGBV and risk of exploitation of girls and women is growing that requires safe infrastructure and access to basic services.
- Food Security and Livelihood: Bread, rice, flour and cooking oil, and nutritional support for infants and young children, have been listed as priority needs. There is increasing need for market interventions.