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Libya: Flood Response Humanitarian Update (as of 14 November 2023) [EN/AR]


This report is produced by OCHA Libya in collaboration with humanitarian partners. It covers the period from 8 to 14 November 2023. The next report will be issued on or around 28 November.


  • As of 14 November 2023, humanitarian partners reached a total of 203,000 people with humanitarian assistance. During the reporting period, over 30,000 people received new or continued assistance.

  • Humanitarian partners completed the rehabilitation of a borehole in Albayda, improving access to drinking water for approximately 15,000 people. In the same week, health authorities reported a local diarrhea outbreak due to water contamination.

  • Child protection partners concluded a rapid assessment of child protection needs in flood-affected areas. Signs of psychosocial distress are the most reported concern.

  • Authorities in Shahat alerted humanitarian partners to 350 flood-affected families from Derna residing in makeshift informal settlements, with immediate needs for food and non-food support.

  • Over the last few weeks, a devaluation of the Libyan Dinar (LYD) on the black market against the official exchange rate has been reported, which could weaken local communities’ purchasing power.


Humanitarian partners concluded an assessment of child protection risks in the flood-affected areas. According to preliminary results, the most frequently reported risk is psychological distress (90 per cent of responders). Separated and missing children are another major concern of affected communities, mainly in Derna, with the officially reported and registered numbers lower than the assessment results may indicate. This could be due to a lack of clarity about the definition of unaccompanied and separated children (UASC), or due to underreporting. UNICEF and partners continue to support local authorities in their registration efforts of UASC.

Local authorities in Albayda reported a diarrhoea outbreak with 186 cases in one week and advised residents to avoid water wells. Humanitarian partners working on water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) and health in Albayda are following up on the reports. WASH partners in the same week completed the rehabilitation of a borehole and sanitation facilities and continue water trucking and hygiene promotion (see under response section).


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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