Number of reporting sites in week 11: One hundred and twelve (112) submitted their weekly reports complete and in timely manner.
Total number of consultations in week 11: 45,784 marking a decrease of 307 to last week consultation of 45,477. The number of consultations for other disease this was week was 38,875.
Leading causes of morbidity in week 11: Acute Upper Respiratory Infections (AURI) (n=4363; 9.53% of consultations number), Acute Lower Respiratory Infections (ALRI) (n=1270; 2.77%) and acute diarrhea (AD) (n=1167; 2.55%) remained the leading causes of morbidity this reporting week.
Number of alerts in week 11: Twelve (12) alert were generated through EWARN. (details: see Alerts and Outbreaks Section). The health authorities of each municipality have the capacity to respond to outbreaks. The alerts were discussed with the focal person and respected surveillance officers of the municipalities. (Details: see Alert and Outbreak Section).