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Libya + 1 more

Libya, Egypt & Tunisia SitRep 46 External May 04, 2011



This morning, the 6th IOM evacuation vessel “Red Star One” docked in Misurata delivered critical medical supplies and began loading wounded patients, including four in critical condition. Other humanitarian vessels were also in the port delivering supplies, when the port area came under heavy fire from Gaddafi troops using Grad missiles. The area where migrant workers await evacuation and site of the Libyan Red Crescent were targeted, with seven civilians killed and 17 injured. No International Medical Corps staff were harmed in this incident. Amid the attacks, the IOM vessel was reportedly only able to load 800 of the planned 1,000 people it had planned to board. The ship, however, was not hit and is now on route to Benghazi and is scheduled to arrive tomorrow morning.

With the resumption of Libyan families crossing into southern Tunisia, UNHCR has stated that 8,000 people arrived in Dehibat over the past weekend, with most being ethnic Berbers. Whilst the Dehibat border remains officially closed, the Tunisian authorities are allowing Libyans to freely cross. Renewed fighting is anticipated on the Libyan side of the Dehibat border area this evening as the Tunisian military have positioned themselves along the border to prevent any further overflow incidents.

In Nalut, in the Western Mountain region, attacks continue with a missile or shell reportedly hitting and destroying the building of a Chinese construction company.

The car bomb that exploded in Benghazi last night slightly injured two people who suffered shrapnel wounds. Following the blast, a large number of men, many carrying weapons, came on to the street chanting slogans against Gaddafi.

According to the International Criminal Court, 327,000 people have been displaced by the fighting inside Libya.

As of May 04, 2011:


International Medical Corps’ health post activities continue in Dehibat and Ra’s Ajdir, with over 80 consultations today provided by International Medical Corps’ medical staff in the region. The team is continuing in efforts to provide a large delivery of needed medical supplies for the Nalut Hospital.


The hospital in Zintan is a central health facility providing medical services, including intensive care and surgical care. Urgently needed medical supplies for the hospital include ICU items (an Anesthetic machine, tracheotomy tubes, triple lumen central lines and ICU monitors), surgical items (a vascular set, drain tubes, Thomas splints and bone rongeurs), laboratory items (complete blood count machines) radiology items (portable x ray) and general items (portable pulse oximeters, external fixators and ambulance vehicles). Anesthesia and analgesic medications are also needed. International Medical Corps is endeavoring to respond to these needs in Zintan as well as in other areas of the Western Mountain region.

Additional medical evacuations are needed in Misurata as the ICU bed capacity at both hospitals is stretched beyond their limit. With many casualties arriving daily, additional consumables, disposables, medicines and medical supplies are needed. International Medical Corps is endeavoring to provide further medical evacuations from Misurata as well as needed supplies. Whilst many items have been sourced, monitors, portable ventilators, infusion pumps, a portable x-ray machine and an autoclave are still required.


Yesterday, a meeting was held with the head of general surgery of the Al-Hawari hospital in Benghazi to discuss psychological first aid (PFA) training needs for primary and secondary health staff. As many requests and needs have been identified for PFA training, International Medical Corps will also prioritize a training of trainers program to continue meeting this need in various health facilities.

The need to establish a rehabilitation center in Benghazi for amputee victims of the conflict continues to be a pressing issue, which International Medical Corps is prioritizing a response for, including the exploration of mechanisms for the provision of prosthetic limbs.

The team also continues in efforts to establish an effective and supportive program addressing SGBV, procurement efforts to provide NFIs for IDPS and also to source a 2-3 month supply of urgently needed ARV and TB medications for the Benghazi Center of Infectious Diseases and Immunity, with assistance from GIK partners.

Tomorrow, with the expected docking of the IOM vessel, the team is preparing to provide medical support to evacuees and is also preparing needed medical supplies for transportation aboard the boat for delivery to Misurata.