The Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) is underfunded, with only 2 per cent received.
Life-saving health medicines and food assistance will end in March due to pipeline breaks, affecting 1.2 million people.
Over one million children under the age of five will be affected by vaccine pipeline breaks.
Displacement tracking improves through the introductions of a Displacement Tracking Matrix
60,000 children in 28 different cities will benefit from educational and recreational kits.
Total Population 6.3 M
number of people in need of humanitarian assistance 2.4 M
number of IDPs 435,000
number of refugees 100,000
number of migrants 150,000
Total Requested - US$165.6 million
Escalating crisis amidst depleting resources
Despite progress in political negotiations, the humanitarian situation in Libya continues to deteriorate. Sporadic fighting across the country, particularly in Tripoli, Benghazi, Sirte, Adjabia, Ben Jawad and Al-Kufra, cause additional displacement and destruction. The situation is characterized by damage to health care facilities, critical shortage of lifesaving medicines, vaccines, food, and serious protection concerns.
The lack of resources is the second single biggest obstacle after fighting to responding to the needs of the affected population and implementing Libya Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP). Since the HRP was released in November 2015, only US$ 3.7 million in contributions have been received, amounting to just two per cent of the requested. With humanitarian funding in 2015 totaling just $19 million, aid agencies are now exhausting the last of their resources. This will result in breaks to critical food and health supply pipelines and the interruption of life-saving programmes, affecting at least 1.2 million people. Internally Displaced Persons (IDP), refugees, and migrants are amongst those with the fewest resources – interruptions in humanitarian assistance will impact them heavily.
The Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) is allocating US$ 12 million to support emergency programmes in Libya, through its underfunded window. The allocation will support up to 350,000 people including IDPs, refugees, and migrants. However, this contribution will only be enough to ensure some critical needs will be met for a short period of time. Additional funding from other donors is required to leverage this investment and ensure life-saving programmes continue.
- UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
- To learn more about OCHA's activities, please visit https://www.unocha.org/.